Retirement Planning
Most people don’t give their pension much thought. However assuming that you plan to stop working aged 65, or earlier, you will need a retirement fund to replace your income. Pensions Plans are the most tax efficient way to make provisions for your retirement.
Your tax relief is provided in three phases.
- Tax relief on contributions
- Tax relief on investment return
- Tax free lump sum at retirement
The pension environment keeps changing and it is for this reason that you need to be confident that you can trust and rely on the advice offered by your financial advisor. We provide trustworthy and professional advice to help you set up or review your pension to ensure it suits your particular needs as your circumstances change.
You may already have a pension in place, however it may be beneficial to review this pension as many older contacts are expensive and do not provide satisfactory returns.
At Core Financial Services, we offer a full review of all your existing pension plans.
Summary of Areas of Advice:
- Personal/Self-Employed Pensions
- Company Pensions
- Retiring from Defined Benefit/Contribution Schemes
- Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA)
- Small Self-Administered Pension Schemes (SSAP)
- Retirement Bond/ Buy-Out Bond
Post Retirement Planning
- Approved (minimum) Retirement Fund (ARF/AMRF’s)
- Annuities (Pension for life)